Boost Your Game: Keystone Lacrosse Habits Every Player Should Master

Boost Your Game: Keystone Lacrosse Habits Every Player Should Master

Becoming an elite lacrosse player requires more than just raw talent; it demands dedication to developing keystone lacrosse habits that can elevate your performance to new heights. Inspired by principles from "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg and "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, these practices, like Paul Rabil’s renowned routine of taking 100 shots a day, can transform your game. By integrating these essential habits into your lacrosse training, you can sharpen your skills, enhance your lacrosse performance, and ultimately dominate on the field. In this post, we'll delve into the keystone lacrosse habits every player should master to reach their full potential.

Mastering Keystone Lacrosse Habits

Paul Rabil's 100 Shots Per Day:

Paul Rabil, one of the most iconic lacrosse players, attributes much of his success to a simple yet powerful habit: taking100 shots a day. This routine is a perfect example of a keystone habit. By committing to this daily practice, Rabil ensures that his shooting skills are constantly honed, allowing him to perform at his best during games. This habit doesn't just improve accuracy; it also builds muscle memory and confidence, key elements in high-pressure situations. For aspiring lacrosse players, integrating a similar routine can lead to significant improvements in their game. The consistency and dedication required for such a habit not only enhance physical skills but also instill a disciplined mindset, a critical component for any athlete aiming for excellence. Following Rabil's example, players can see firsthand how daily, focused practice can translate into on-field success. To see Rabil in action and learn more about his approach, you can watch this insightful video: Paul Rabil on Shooting100 Shots Everyday

Daily Wall Ball Drills

Daily stick wall ball drills are crucial for any lacrosse player looking to elevate their game. Wall ball helps improve your hand-eye coordination, control, and overall stick skills. Spend at least 15 minutes a day passing the ball against a wall, switching between your dominant and non-dominant hand. Wall ball not only enhances your catching and throwing accuracy but also builds muscle memory. Another valuable drill is cradling in tight spaces. Practice moving around while maintaining control of the ball, simulating game-like scenarios. By integrating these stick handling drills into your daily lacrosse training, you'll notice a significant improvement in your ability to maneuver and control the ball under pressure. Consistency is key; even a few minutes each day can lead to substantial progress over time. These daily habits will help you develop the essential skills needed to excel in lacrosse.

Consistent Fitness Routines

Consistent fitness routines are a cornerstone of building essential lacrosse skills. Lacrosse is a physically demanding sport that requires speed, strength, and endurance. Establishing a regular fitness regimen can enhance your performance on the field. Incorporate a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises into your routine. For cardio, sprints and interval training can help improve your speed and stamina, crucial for both offense and defense. Strength training should focus on full-body workouts, emphasizing core stability, leg strength, and upper body power. Don't overlook flexibility exercises like yoga or dynamic stretching, which can improve your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury. Aim to work out at least three to four times a week, mixing up your exercises to keep the routine engaging. By maintaining a consistent fitness routine, you'll build the physical foundation necessary to support and enhance your lacrosse skills.

Mental Preparation Techniques

Mental preparation techniques play a critical role in building essential lacrosse skills. The mental aspect of lacrosse can often determine the outcome of a game as much as physical ability. Visualization is one effective technique; spend a few minutes each day imagining yourself successfully executing plays, scoring goals, and making defensive stops. This mental rehearsal can build confidence and reduce anxiety. Another technique is mindfulness meditation, which helps improve focus and stay present during high-pressure moments. Drawing from the principles in George Mumford's "The Mindful Athlete", you can learn strategies to calm your mind during intense situations. Practice deep breathing exercises to enhance concentration and maintain composure. Setting specific, achievable goals for each practice and game can also keep you motivated and focused. Additionally, positive self-talk can help maintain a resilient mindset, especially when facing challenges. By integrating these mental preparation techniques into your lacrosse training, you'll develop the mental toughness required to perform consistently at a high level. A strong mental game complements your physical skills, making you a more well-rounded and effective player.


Mastering keystone habits in lacrosse is not just about short-term gains; it's a commitment to a lifestyle of continuous improvement. By incorporating daily practices like Paul Rabil’s 100 shots or consistent wall ball drills, you're building a solid foundation that will pay dividends over time. The principles from "The Power of Habit" and "Atomic Habits" provide a strategic framework to make these routines second nature. The incremental progress from daily stick handling drills, fitness routines, and mental preparation techniques ensures that you are constantly evolving as a player.

Remember, greatness in lacrosse, as in life, is achieved through dedication to the small, consistent efforts that produce significant, long-term results. Embrace these keystone habits, and watch as they transform your game, taking your performance to heights you never imagined possible.

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